Variable Improvement/Development Curves

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Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by ttreese »

Where can we find the various development curves? Am in a league (OCL) and cannot locate the development curves. Thanks in advance for any help on this. OCL uses curve four but curve breakdown is not listed anywhere in league rules or forums.

Per the Game Guide:

Some leagues offer Variable Improvement. In general, player development is fairly predictable because any two players with the same age and attributes have the same chance of improving. In leagues that offer variable improvement, this may not be the case.

When players are created, they will be randomly assigned 1 of 14 possible development curves. On the League Rules page, if the Development Curve System is anything except 0, the league is using Variable Improvement. Each league may decide on a different distribution among these curves, check your league message board for your league's distribution.
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by Leonard »

Variable Improvement

Some leagues offer Variable Improvement. In general, player development is fairly predictable because any two players with the same age and attributes have the same chance of improving. In leagues that offer variable improvement, this may not be the case.

When players are created, they will be randomly assigned 1 of 14 possible development curves. On the League Rules page, if the Development Curve System is anything except 0, the league is using Variable Improvement. Each league may decide on a different distribution among these curves, check your league message board for your league's distribution.

Here is a description of each curve. Please keep in mind that these curves only modify the chances of converting an IC in the majors or minors, nothing else.

Regular This is how players typically develop.

Young Major Leaguer Player develops the same as Regular for minor league improvements, but his major league improvements will improve at a higher rate in his early 20s. On the flip side, he won't improve quite as well as compared to Regular when he hits his mid-20s.

Late Bloomer Peak improvement years are skewed a few years older for both major and minor league improvement chances.

Enigma 1, Enigma 2, Enigma 3 Peak improvement years come randomly. Some years will be better than Regular, some are worse. There are 3 varieties of this one to keep people guessing.

Ageless Wonder Will be on the Regular path until he enters his mid-30s, at which point his conversion percentage increases dramatically to the point of offsetting declines or even improving a bit.

Bust Improvement conversion percentages are down across the board.

Gem Improvement conversion percentages are up across the board.

Bust in Minors/Gem in Majors Player follows the Bust curve while in the minors, but the Gem curve when in the majors.

Gem in Minors/Bust in Majors Player follows the Gem curve when in the minors, but the Bust curve when in the majors.

Eureka 1, Eureka 2, Eureka 3 A player improves below average for most years in his career, but in 1-2 seasons in the majors or minors he converts a much higher percentage of chances. There are 3 variations on this with different "eureka" ages.

The following charts show minor league and major league interpretations of the development curves. The minor league table is for the player's actual age, and the major league table uses the player's offseason age, because this is how ICs are converted. 0 represents no change from the Regular system. + means the player will convert more chances, - means he will convert less chances

Minor Leagues
Development Curve <22 22 23-32 >33
Regular 0 0 0 0
Young Major Leaguer 0 0 0 0
Late Bloomer - 0 + +
Enigma ? ? ? ?
Ageless Wonder 0 0 0 +
Bust - - - -
Gem + + + +
Bust in Minors/Gem in Majors - - - -
Gem in Minors/Bust in Majors + + + +
Eureka ? ? ? ?

Major Leagues
Development Curve <23 23 24 25-30 31-33 >34
Regular 0 0 0 0 0 0
Young Major Leaguer + 0 - - 0 0
Late Bloomer - - - + + +
Enigma ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ageless Wonder 0 0 0 0 0 +
Bust - - - - - -
Gem + + + + + +
Bust in Minors/Gem in Majors + + + + + +
Gem in Minors/Bust in Majors - - - - - -
Eureka ? ? ? ? ? ?

The default distribution for these development curves is:

Regular: 38%

Young Major Leaguer, Late Bloomer, Bust: 10% each

Ageless Wonder, Gem, Bust in Minors Gem in Majors, Gem in Minors Bust in Majors: 5% each

Eureka, Enigma: 6% each
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by ttreese »

Thanks. I am aware of all that. What I am looking for and having trouble is locating the various distribution curves as part of the Variable Development options. For instance; most leagues do not use variable development thus setting is 0 on the league rules. I believe all Dynasty Leagues operate this way as well as many subscription leagues. However, those that are using variable development can modify their distribution curves. So leagues have different curves and distributions based on the setting. For instance the OCL uses setting 4. KBL uses setting 7. RYL uses setting 1.

The game guide lists what I assume is the standard distribution curve; maybe setting 1? However leagues have different settings here which I assumes means variations of the original distribution. It's those variations I am looking for especially for my OCL (Orlando Cepeda League) which uses setting 4.

I've reached out to my admin in the OCL as well as SimD admin but haven't received any additional comments on this. I will try again.
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by Vytron »

ttreese wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:10 pm What I am looking for and having trouble is locating the various distribution curves as part of the Variable Development options.
The curves have been show to you, the - - 0 0 + + represent the curves. "0"s represent normal development, "-"s represent bad development (flatter curve/ lower ICs converted), "+"s represent great development (stepper curve/ higher ICs converted).

Maybe you wanted to see some graphs showing actual curves drawn, but basically there's just 3 levels of development of ICs, bad, average and good, and players transition to those at the ages shown, it's very simple and not something that would look good in a graph (since a player doing great one season suddenly becomes inept at improving - there's no curve to draw, it goes from a horizontal line at the top to a horizontal line at the bottom, from one year to the next connected by a vertical line. I can make such graphs if you want...)

If what you want to know is the numbers used in the formulas, think about it, it's like asking to know the numbers used in the simulator to calculate if a player with more Power will outperform one with much more Contact, nobody really knows, and that's part of the fun. Nobody can use graphs to figure out what players will perform better on a variable development league, so you''re not at a disadvantage.
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by ttreese »

No, that’s not it. Admin is going to post something soon.
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by ttreese »

Admin updated the league rules section with a details link so now you can see the actual distribution curves if your League is using variable development.

Ask and you shall receive. I’m very impressed with the quick response from admin.
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by ttreese »

Admin responded and put the information under the following tab:

Owner ==> League Info ==> League Rules
There is now a "Details" link that shows the curve for the Variable Development Setting
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Re: Variable Improvement/Development Curves

Post by MDorf »

That's a nice enhancement. Thanks for the info.
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