Teams for Sale

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Moderator: CaseyStengel

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Teams for Sale

Post by CaseyStengel »

As of 2/11/21 there are 4 teams up for sale:
  1. Cougars (Maj) -- Sold to mr1313
  2. Thunder (AAA)
  3. War Tigers (AAA)
  4. Oaks (AAA)
Visit Available Speed League Teams if you are interested in owning a team in the OCL.

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Re: Teams for Sale

Post by DeepThreat »

Does this league allow an owner to have multiple teams?
Posts: 334
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:19 am

Re: Teams for Sale

Post by CaseyStengel »

No one has asked that question before. I do not know if that is allowed by the SimDynasty site or if it is allowed in individual leagues.

The main conflict I can see is issues about collusion between teams owned by the same person.

Some examples of possible conflicts:
  • Is any trade between the teams a fair one?
  • Does one team field the worst players when playing the other team?
  • Does one team tank to get a better draft position, then trade its draftees to the other team?
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Location: New Orleans

Re: Teams for Sale

Post by ttreese »

Multiple Accounts

Each owner is limited to one account.
Multiple owners from a single household, company, school, etc may play together in a league but may be restricted from trading with each other in Trial/Single Season leagues and may be restricted from voting on each other's trades in the event of a dispute. Real-world relationships between owners in the same league must be disclosed to other league owners on the Message Board.
Each owner is allowed to have only 1 team per league. There may also be restrictions on the number of free trial leagues that an owner may have at any one time. Creating multiple accounts to get around these restrictions may result in the owner losing control of the duplicate teams and/or teams over the limit without notice.
Posts: 334
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:19 am

Re: Teams for Sale

Post by CaseyStengel »

Thank you ttreese for the info. It makes sense to only have one team in a league.
Posts: 166
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:13 pm

Re: Teams for Sale

Post by postal99 »

I have seen several people kicked off the site for this over the years. I agree with that policy.
Posts: 418
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Re: Teams for Sale

Post by DeepThreat »

I'm aware of the general rules, but I once had 2 accounts (kept this account mostly to Dynasty Leagues, and used the other for Speed and Private leagues). In one league, I had two teams. It was a private league setup by a couple of buddies of mine, and was invitation only. Due to the nature of the league, there was no issue with one owner taking over two teams... as long as neither team was in the same league (NL or AL) to prevent a single player bidding for a league pennant. Also, no trades could be allowed between those two teams... nor could you make a trade where a player or pick previously traded from one team was then flipped to the owner's other team.

All of that said, I was confused as to why this was posted here. Considering that the only people likely to see it are those currently in the league. Seems as though it's an advertisement to pick up a team that we cannot technically pick up without violating the general rules. :D
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